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Simply Irresistible: Stuffed Artichokes with Sourdough, Pine Nuts, Parsley & Raisins!

Succumbing to multiple requests, today I am sharing the recipe for The Primlani Kitchen Original Stuffed Artichokes recipe – a family favorite and a staple appetizer adorning our holiday tables.

Yes, trimming and cooking artichokes is an arduous task. Between trying to trim the tough leaves, getting pricked, and time consumed stuffing each leaf, certainly seems like a formidable task. That said, one bite is all it takes to fall in love with these beautifully seasoned artichokes with a combination of sweet and savory flavors. Do yourself a favor and try these….your family and friends will thank you!!

Stuffed Artichokes

Sweet, spicy, savory, crunchy – yeah it’s umami in each bite.

Years ago when I was researching stuffed artichokes I found most recipes involved dried bread crumbs. I am a staunch advocate of fresh and seasonal ingredients, moreover with such few ingredients, why not procure the best?

Quoting Ms. Julia Childs “You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces – just good food from fresh ingredients”.

Stuffed Artichokes

When shopping for artichokes, choose those that are firm and fresh with tightly closed leaves.


  • 3 Medium Artichokes or 2 Large
  • Half loaf of fresh bread or 2 big rolls, broken into bite size pieces without crust (sourdough, onion, rosemary)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika
  • 3 Tbs dried cranberries or golden raisins
  • 1/2 cup chopped parsley
  • 2 big lemons
  • 2 Tbs roasted pine nuts or almonds, chopped
  • EVOO


  1. Trim the artichokes. Working with one artichoke at a time, rub a serrated knife with lemon juice and cut off the top of the artichokes, approximately 1 inch. Snap of the outer leaves and trim the stem to the base. As you finish trimming each artichoke, rub it with one halved lemon to prevent discoloration. Repeat with remaining artichokes.
  2. Stuffing: In a bowl, mix the bread, parsley, salt, pepper, smoked paprika, nuts, and cranberries/raisins. Sprinkle EVOO to moisten the entire mixture, be generous.
  3. Gently pry open the artichoke leaves. Starting from the outside in, push a little stuffing mixture in each leave, approximately 1 tsp. Continue stuffing till you reach the inside yellow-green leaves. So basically you would stuff 3 – 4 layers. Repeat with the remaining artichokes.
  4. Squeeze rest of the lemon juice on top of the artichokes, place the lemons and artichokes on a steamer rack over simmering water. Cover and steam – for large artichokes set your timer for 75 minutes. For medium artichokes 60 minutes.
  5. Serve warm or at room temperature. Since I don’t care to take out the purple prickly leaves in the center, be careful when you reach the center. Remember to gently remove the purple top so you can unravel the delicious artichoke heart at the bottom. In our home, our daughter usually calls first dibs on the heart and reluctantly shares with her father.

Stuffed Artichokes

Feel free to experiment with the stuffing. You can throw in cheese, pancetta, bacon, cilantro, play around with different flavored breads. That’s the beauty of this recipe. You can create new and exciting flavors each time.

Mille grazie (thousand thanks) to the exceptionally talented The Bokeh Studio for capturing the essence of these delightful jewels!!

Until next time, have a delicious day!

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